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Spiritual Life Coaching!

Rediscover yourself and recover your divine relationship. Take back your life, give yourself the opportunity to become all that God created you to be today - why wait for tomorrow!

The divine within you

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Expanded consciousness comes through constant awareness. To whatever we bring our awareness and focus, that is where we will charge ourselves the most. Awareness essentially means that we become more aware of what is going on within us – our thoughts, our feelings, our values, that which makes our spirits soar and fly. That which […]


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Divinity Within

Man is Divinity humanized; dewelling in man is concentrated vast power, awaiting manifesttion. However  some men will condemn themselves to a life of poverty, disease and despair.  He begs for alms from all and sundry and debases the Lord within. He tells himself that God is far away, in a somewhat unreachable heaven, where he

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