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Spiritual Life Coaching!

Rediscover yourself and recover your divine relationship. Take back your life, give yourself the opportunity to become all that God created you to be today - why wait for tomorrow!


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Woman, Know Thyself

(part of the restoration process) Woman:- Strong, resourceful, resilient, wise, loving, tender and nurturing, who God has designed to be the perfect counterpart to the man. Woman you are a Goddess. Women has to come to the place in their lives, where they must fully understand who they are and begin to walk with dignity. […]

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Women -Dress Modestly

“Women, young ladies, modesty means you have beauty and power. And you use that to teach men how to love you for the right reasons”. “Women are constantly bombarded in movies, television, fashion magazines, and in advertisements with the message that looks are everything! The pitch is, ‘If your looks are good enough, your life will

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The Importance Of Water

Human​ beings can survive without food for about thirty to forty days – about five weeks – but without water their life will end in about three to five days. The average person body is made up of approximately 70% water although the water content varies from person to person and from one body part to

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Expanded consciousness comes through constant awareness. To whatever we bring our awareness and focus, that is where we will charge ourselves the most. Awareness essentially means that we become more aware of what is going on within us – our thoughts, our feelings, our values, that which makes our spirits soar and fly. That which


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Soul Consciousness 

A lot of people never get round to even acknowledging their own souls, they are so lost in the dense and physical world that they cannot see past the veils of illusion and see the immensity of cosmic life, and living which is vaster than all this dense physical world will ever be able to give

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Divinity Within

Man is Divinity humanized; dewelling in man is concentrated vast power, awaiting manifesttion. However  some men will condemn themselves to a life of poverty, disease and despair.  He begs for alms from all and sundry and debases the Lord within. He tells himself that God is far away, in a somewhat unreachable heaven, where he

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As we look around in our world today there is evidence of change all around us. The season changes, the month changes, the year changes, the day changes and such like. Every thing has it time and every goes through a season of change, even our attitudes and our bodies. The entire creation knows that


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Many have become discouraged when they realize that although they have exercised their mental faculties to the point where their mind has been literally crammed with the encyclopedic knowledge of the world, they are still nevertheless mentally muscle-bound and powerless to take dominion over their own personal affairs – much less the earth- because they


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