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Spiritual Life Coaching!

Rediscover yourself and recover your divine relationship. Take back your life, give yourself the opportunity to become all that God created you to be today - why wait for tomorrow!


Many have become discouraged when they realize that although they have exercised their mental faculties to the point where their mind has been literally crammed with the encyclopedic knowledge of the world, they are still nevertheless mentally muscle-bound and powerless to take dominion over their own personal affairs – much less the earth- because they […]

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Many have become discouraged when they realize that although they have exercised their mental faculties to the point where their mind has been literally crammed with the encyclopedic knowledge of the world, they are still nevertheless mentally muscle-bound and powerless to take dominion over their own personal affairs – much less the earth- because they are spiritually anemic.

Now, this discouragement has come about as a result of their individual failure to recognize the fact that they are actually a monadic part of God. They do not understand that in their eternal union with the mind of God, they are connected to a giant computer. Through this computer, all knowledge is immediately available by spiritual transmission to those who are willing to use it to do the will of God.

“Take dominion over the world – take dominion over your life.” You were intended to be a practical manifestation of God, learning how to master your environment and your life by infinite wisdom from God united with your own natural intelligence.

Take control of your own circumstances,” God is in charge – not in control, if he was he would not have given us freedom- free will to choose who we want to be or do. Joshua 24:15 said “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” Spiritual intellegence is needed in our house, church and in everything that we do.

Transmute the conditions in your own world that you do not want by determined and persistent effort. Every person who exalts the life of God within themselves knows the power to do all things is in their hands every day, within the reach of their own intellengence and spirit.

Now my beloved, digest this into your consciousness; looking to another is not the solution to your problems; nor will it win the intended fulfilment God holds for you, blessed of God. If you are however enlightened by the torch of divine knowlege, and is aware of the magnificence of your true divine self-hood, you will be able to summon the strength from the invisible realm and use the processes of transmutative power from there within your own world and affairs to daily master all outer conditions by the spiritual means and physical appurtenances available to you.

See your life, at any age or at any time as amenable to change for the better. Also see yourself as possessing the capability to surmount any condition at will. To be free you must disallow all old ideas as quickly as you are able to, and you must discard all outworn concepts and erroneous beliefs about yourself, and your divine self-hood and become the divine being – acknowledging the source of your power.

Reverend Marilyn Mars – Marilyn Mars Ministries of Restoration

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